Monday, October 30, 2006


Happy Samhein

To celebrate, Alice enjoys eating raw gourds and poking in the intricate, lovingly carved owl face that it took her mommy an hour to create. But it turns out all festivities have gone dark, because I accidentally left the color-change pumpkin light changing colors all night and it's burnt out this morning. Good thing, since the owl's entire face molded inward and now looks like a shriveled up old lady without her dentures.

Just another awy that eBay makes you smarter: I found out that others celebrate in different ways, like
pagan mystery auctions. Who knew? And who knew 18 people would bid on all those pagan goodies. I didn't even know there was such a thing as a pagan goodie bag. Alter bells? A Brand New Goddess Offering plate? Anyone?

The fact that these folks exist makes me breathe a little easier. It may even make me refrain from shouting at the 17 Capt. Jack Sparrows on our suburban block, "What a queer costume! Want to borrow some black eyeliner so you can be more like Johnny?"

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